Analyze the file lucas.cpp provided in the assignment. It contains a recursive function to compute the nth Lucas number1
Lab 5 – Recursion
Perform three exercises to get hands on experience with recursion
What you will learn
• Debugging through a recursive code
• Implementing a recursive function
• Running time analysis
Coding exercise 1
Analyze the file lucas.cpp provided in the assignment. It contains a recursive function to compute the nth Lucas number1.
Using a Linux environment, debug through the code2 in gdb3 to understand in what order the function lucas is called and with what parameters.
In a file called Lucas.txt, list the function calls and returns in the order in which they were made when n is 7. E.g., when n=4, the list of function calls and returns is:
1. Call lucas(4)
2. Call lucas(3)
3. Call lucas(2)
4. Returning 1 from lucas(2)
5. Call lucas(1)
6. Returning 2 from lucas(1)
7. Returning 3 from lucas(3)
8. Calling lucas(2)
9. Returning 1 from lucas(2)
10. Returning 4 from lucas(4)
Coding exercise 2
In a file called palindrome.txt, write the pseudocode to recursively check if a string is a palindrome or not. A palindrome is a string that reads the same backwards and forwards. E.g., racecar. In your implementation, you may assume that there are no spaces in the input string.
Once you have the pseudocode, write a function bool check_palindrome(const string &s) in a file called palindrome.cpp that implements the recursive algorithm you have written.
Determine the computational complexity of your code and report the same in palindrome.txt.
Coding exercise 3
Extend your implementation of the arrayList template from Lab 3 to include a function called
elemType getMin()
that finds the smallest element in a list. Implement this function using recursion.
What to turn in
A zip file containing Lucas.txt, palindrome.txt, palindrome.cpp, arrayList.h, and main.cpp. Your zip file should be named, where XXXYYYXXX is your SJSU ID. E.g., if your SJSU ID is 111000111, your submission will be called
Management The process by which a function indirectly or directly calls itself is termed as recursion. The corresponding function acquires denotion as recursive function. Through recursive algorithm, particular problems necessitate quite easy solutions. ...
The process by which a function indirectly or directly calls itself is termed as recursion. The corresponding function acquires denotion as recursive function. Through recursive algorithm, particular problems necessitate quite easy solutions.