Create a template called arrayQueue that implements a queue using an array in a file called arrayQueue
Lab 8 – Queues
Application of queues
What you will learn
• How to implement queues using arrays
• Simulate a queuing system
Coding exercise 1 – Implement queues using a circular array
Create a template called arrayQueue that implements a queue using an array in a file called arrayQueue.h. The template should have the functionalities of enqueue, dequeue, front, size, maxSize, isEmpty, and isFull as described in the lecture. Remember to make sure that the array is circular, i.e., the queue wraps around the end of the array. Test the functionality of your queue in a file called main.cpp.
Coding exercise 2 – Simulate a queuing system
The textbook talks about simulating a queueing system consisting of servers and customers. Customers arrive into the system and wait in a queue. When a server becomes free, they serve the customer at the front of the queue. The supplementary video explains what the simulation does.
For this coding exercise, you are provided the solution files from the textbook simulation in three files, Simulation.h, SimulationImp.cpp, and MainProgram.cpp. The code contains almost all the implementation except the simulation of the queue. You are required to add implementation to simulate the queue of waiting customers.
What to turn in
A zip file containing arrayQueue.h, main.cpp, Simulation.h, SimulationImp.cpp, and MainProgram.cpp. Your zip file should be named, where XXXYYYXXX is your SJSU ID. E.g., if your SJSU ID is 111000111, your submission will be called
Data structure is all about way of organizing data items that considers not only storing of elements but also the relationships, so it is basically building block of a program. Que is a formally an order collection of elements that has two ends ‘rear and front’ basically it’s a liner and non-primitive structure. An insertion in a queue is done using an Enqueue and deletion is done using a front ca...
Data structure is all about way of organizing data items that considers not only storing of elements but also the relationships, so it is basically building block of a program. Que is a formally an order collection of elements that has two ends ‘rear and front’ basically it’s a liner and non-primitive structure. An insertion in a queue is done using an Enqueue and deletion is done using a front called EQ. Q is also FIFO ‘FIRST IN FIRST OUT’ data structure. All elements in a queue are stored sequentially.