Can cylinder number be predicted using the car size and fuel efficiency
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Can cylinder number be predicted using the car size and fuel efficiency

Task 3: Can cylinder number be predicted using the car size and fuel efficiency variables mentioned in Task 2?

Action: Select the best method (from those covered in this course only) to explore this question, perform the analysis, provide relevant output, and interpret. 

In order to successfully classify cases into groups or categories there does need to be some differences between those groups. We have covered a test in this course that specifically tests for differences between groups. For those cases in your test set, are there significant differences among the cylinder groups based on the using the car size and fuel efficiency variables mentioned in Task 2?

Action: Select the best method (from those covered in this course only) to explore this question, perform the analysis and interpret. Provide a summary table of results. Include in your answer appropriate p-values for all significance tests performed. How do your results here relate to your results in the first Action of Task 3?

ManagementAnalysis is the process of breaking the complex topic or substance into the smaller parts, so as to gain a better understanding of it. Also, this analysis technique is usually applied in the study of mathematics and logic. Also, the analysis is a formal concept which is a relatively recent development....

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