Recreate and complete the table below by indicating which features are relevant
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Recreate and complete the table below by indicating which features are relevant

Part B

Question 1:

Recreate and complete the table below by indicating which features are relevant to each method.

Question 2:

Construct by hand a simple nearest-neighbour dendrogram from the distance matrix below. (Note: it is acceptable to draw by hand and insert a photo of your dendrogram)

Question 3:

What are the limitations or disadvantages of multivariate methods generally?

Question 4:

Describe when a Mantel’s randomisation test might be used and how the significance of the test statistic is calculated.

Question 5:

Explain your understanding of eigenvectors and eigenvalues (your answer must be in your own words and will be checked using a plagiarism checker)

ManagementMantel test: The test was named after Nathan Mantel. It is a statistical test of the correlation between the two matrices. The matrices needs to be of the same dimension. And, in most applications, they are the matrices of interrelations between the same vectors of objects. Also, the test is most commonly used in ecology, in which the data are usually estimates of the distance between th...

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