Consider a model for the stock market where the short rate of interest
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Consider a model for the stock market where the short rate of interest

Exercise 8.1

Consider a model for the stock market where the short rate of interest r is a deterministic constant. We focus on a particular stock with price process S. Under the objective probability measure P we have the following dynamics for the price process.

dS(t)=aS(t)dt+σS(t)dW (t) +δS(t−)dN(t).

Here W is a standard Wiener process whereas N is a Poisson process with intensity A. We assume that ασδ and λ are known to us. The dN term is to be interpreted in the following way:

Between the jump times of the Poisson process N, the S-process behaves just like ordinary geometric Brownian motion.

If N has a jump at time t this induces S to have a jump at time t. The size of the S-jump is given by

S(t)-S(t-) = δ-S(t-).

Discuss the following questions.

(a) Is the model free of arbitrage?

(b) Is the model complete?

(c) Is there a unique arbitrage free price for, say, a European call option?

(d) Suppose that you want to replicate a European call option maturing in January 1999. Is it posssible (theoretically) to replicate this asset by a portfolio consisting of bonds, the underlying stock and European call option maturing in December 2001?

StatisticsBrownian motion is also called as the Brownian movement. It is any of the several physical phenomena where most quantity is constantly under the small, random fluctuations. Basically, it is the random motion of particles that are suspended in a medium which is a liquid or a gas. So, if the number of particles that are subject to Brownian motion are present in the given medium and there i...

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