Determine the required unobstructed width of the fire-isolated exit stairway
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Determine the required unobstructed width of the fire-isolated exit stairway

Question 4

Determine the required unobstructed width of the fire-isolated exit stairway serving the following building.

•Storeys are used as shown.

•Each storey has a floor area of 450m2.except the plant room. The plantroom has a floor area of 80m2.

•10% of the floor area of storeys 1 to 5 is set aside for lifts, stairways, ramps,hallways, sanitary compartments, lobbies and the like. 5% of the plantroom floor area is occupied by the exit stairway.

•One exit is required from each storey to satisfy the exit travel distance requirements.

•Storey 1 does not connect with the fire-isolated exit stairway. It relies on adoorway to open space.

•The building is less than 25m in effective height and travel distance to the single exit serving storeys 2 to 5 and the plant room complies with the DTSProvisions.

Present your answer in the following tabular format:

EngineeringTo be considered part of an accessible means of egress, an exit access stairway as permitted by Section 1016.1 or exit stairway shall have a clear width of 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum between handrails and shall either incorporate an area of rescue assistance within an enlarged floor-level landing or shall be accessed ...

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