Question 12
True or false? Justify your answer (whether true or false). Include in your response reference to the relevant DTS Provision(s). Correct the statement if it is incorrect.
Under the DTS Provisions:
(a)Fire hose reels can be located within a fire-isolated exit?
(ii)Justification -
(b)A fire hose reel system need not be provided to serve an apartment buildingcomprising 3 storeys above ground and a basement carpark storey. Eachstorey has a floor area of 550m2. Apartments do not exceed 250m2 in floorarea.
(c)Smoke alarms are required on every storey of a residential apartment in aClass 2 building irrespective of whether a storey contains bedrooms or not?
(d)An air-purge system is an acceptable system for limiting smoke spreadbetween storeys in an office building greater than 25m in effective height.
(e)Two emergency lifts must be provided in every building greater than 25m in
effective height?
(f)An emergency lighting system is required to the internal common area ofthe multi-unit residential building illustrated in Question 7 of thisassignment?
(g)A commercial building consists of a high-rise part (greater than 25m ineffective height) and a low-rise part (less than 25m in effective height). Thehigh-rise part is served by 2 fire-isolated exits. The low-rise part is alsoserved by 2 fire-isolated exits. The high and low rise parts are not verticallyfire separated.
All 4 exits must be served by an air-pressurisation system?
(h)A fire hydrant system must be provided to serve a single storey industrialbuilding comprising 4 equally sized factory units and a total building floorarea of 950m2. The building is divided centrally by a fire wall that extendsvertically uninterrupted from footing to underside of roof level? Otherwisethe factory units are separated by concrete panel walls with an unknownFRL.
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