Develop a communication strategy to ensure that all relevant parties are effectively informed
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Develop a communication strategy to ensure that all relevant parties are effectively informed

Complete the following activities:

Review your work in Task 2.

Task 3.1 Implementation 

A. Communication Strategy

Develop a communication strategy to ensure that all relevant parties are effectively informed of the implementation of the business plan:

Plan for six stakeholder groups and/or individuals

Identify the preferred communication strategy for each stakeholder to include communication needs (for example, a financial institution, providing you with financial resources, would be interested in detailed financial data rather than just a summary)

In your strategy, specify the preferred communication tool (example: emails, face to face presentation, newsletter etc.)

Document the strategy in the table below.

B. Skilled Labour strategy

Develop a strategy to ensure you can source the skilled labour necessary to implement the business plan.

o This strategy should address the resource and competency needs that you have identified in your business plan (3-4).

o The strategy should include the timelines to acquire skilled labour.

Document the strategy in the table below.

C. Monitoring strategy

Develop a monitoring and control strategy to support the implementation of the business plan. The strategy must include:

Process/es to test the performance measures (3-4/KPI) that you have identified to review the progress towards achieving your strategic objectives. Example: checklist, observation, user testing.

A reporting system to ensure that reports on critical aspects of the business (such as finance, marketing, customer service, logistics and so forth, issues and progress towards achievement of set goals are timely available to relevant stakeholders, and they are user-friendly, up-to-date, and respect data integrity. Example: use of a project management software, shared drives, shared calendars, email protocols, version control.

Timelines for reporting and key monitoring activities by business area as part of a continuous improvement strategy 

Document the strategy in the table below.

D. Training strategy

Develop a training strategy to address underperformance and skills gaps in groups and individuals. The strategy will ensure skilled labour is available to implement the business plan.

This can include formal and informal training.

E. Skilled labour

Write an email (Template 1) to the CEO  to confirm that skilled labour will be available to implement the business plan based on your skilled labour and training strategy.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

Template 1 -Email

Email to CEO





Date email is sent:


Task 3.2 Case Study

You are implementing the business plan.

Assume that the following occurred (contextualise the scenarios based on your business plan when required):

At 50% timeline

A A new direct competitor is running a very successful marketing campaign and charging 10% less than your current prices. 

This could erode your market share by 5% in the next 12 months.

B Covid 19 happens.

At 75% timeline

C While monitoring your performance objectives, you identify that one performance objective won't be achieved within the expected timeframe, and it will have an impact on the successful implementation of the business plan.

Specify the performance objective based on your business plan:

D Sales have been slower than expected in the past three months (minus 65%), and this is affecting your cash flow negatively.

Address the following:

1. Outline what monitoring activities were implemented to identify the issues outlined in the scenarios above.

Additionally, the performance indicators used to identify the issues.

2. Address the following:

Describe how each scenario impacts the implementation of the business plan. 

Outline how each scenario is addressed/managed.

Document your work in the table below.

3. Determine the changes/refinements that will be made to the business plan and the monitoring strategy and systems based on the scenarios.

Document your work in the table below.


Changes @ 50% timeline

Changes @ 75% timelines

Business plan



Monitoring strategy and systems



4. Based on the scenario's impact on the business plan, evaluate the achievements of the business plan at the end of implementation (target Vs actual).

Document your work in the table below.

5. You have identified that one of the issues with the drop in sales (Scenario D) is that the sales group needs training in innovative sales practices.

i. Develop a training program to upskill the sales group. The training program must include three (3) different training opportunities (options).

ii. Research one of the following topics:

Storytelling and sales 

Active listening

Objection handling

Write an email to the sales group to share some tips and best practice about the topic you have researched.

When writing the email, think about coaching and write the email as an e-coaching exercise.

6. Write an email (Template 1) to the Board of Directors to inform them of the issues experienced at 50% timeline.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

Template 1 -Email

Email to the Board of Directors





Date email is sent:


7. Develop a Meeting Agenda (Template 3) to inform the Board of Directors about the issues experienced at 75% timeline

BusinessD. Different training programs are going to be arranged for the employees with lower performance and gaps in their skills. Leaders from other enterprises will also be hired to train the low-skilled employees. Around 60k dollars have been invested by the management of this enterprise for this training program. Everyday feedback from the employees will be collected after the completion of tr...

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