Given A continuous flow reactor incorporating a mixer impeller is employed
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Given A continuous flow reactor incorporating a mixer impeller is employed


Given A continuous flow reactor incorporating a mixer impeller is employed to react two liquid feed streams A and B entering from either side of its top via flow control valves VA and VB respectively to produce a product outlet stream C leaving its bottom.  The liquid level in the reactor is monitored and controlled using a level controller, LC via the two inlet valves, VA and VB. To avoid over-pressurisation in the event of vaporisation due to an exothermic reaction, the reactor pressure is controlled using a pressure controller, PC which in turn activates a pressure relief valve PRV placed on its top to open. For the above system and labelling format, construct a fault tree diagram with the top event representing damage to the reactor due to a rise in either the reactor level or pressure. 

EngineeringThe impeller is the component of a mixer that does the actual mixing and produces the results. That's because when it rotates, it creates fluid flow and shear patterns. While there are many types of impellers, there are 4 main types we use when engineering mixers. Impeller: the rotating part of a centrifugal pump or mixer, compressor, or other machine designed to move a fluid by rotatio...

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