Using the Bowtie diagram below as a guide consider the Bombay High North
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Using the Bowtie diagram below as a guide consider the Bombay High North


Using the Bowtie diagram below as a guide consider the Bombay High North platform accident in 2005 which destroyed the platform. The Hazardous Event (or Risk) should be the hydrocarbon release from the riser.  Determine the Hazards, Preventive Measures, Mitigating or Control Measures and Consequences which need to be considered to give a full understanding of the incident. Ensure that you link the measures to the appropriate hazard or consequence. Various websites provide details of the event.

EngineeringThe Bowtie diagram may also be used as a risk assessment and management tool and will provide clear visualization and understanding of hazards, preventive factors, management and outcomes of critical events such as a pandemic. The hazard, top event, threats and consequences give us an overview of everything we don't want around a certain hazard. Every line through the bowtie represents ...

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