Human resource management is an important part of every organization's management
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Human resource management is an important part of every organization's management

Question 1

Human resource management is an important part of every organization's management and practices. It is the process of managing people within an organization. HRM is primarily concerned with ensuring that a project has sufficient human resources and personnel with the correct skill-sets and experience for the project to be successfully completed.


You are assigned as a human resource manager of your organization which has recently been established. Congratulations! As part of the company's strategic development plans, you are asked to conduct research to find out what are the challenges that your organization may have when developing its HR plan and then suggest some short-term and long-term practical solutions to overcome/mitigate those challenges.


- Identify the type of your company (e.g., Construction, electrical, mechanical, etc.) and provide a brief background about it. This could be a real or a hypothetical company.

- Conduct a literature review to identify common human resource and staffing challenges that your company may face and provide solutions to minimize them. You need to have studied at least 5 journal articles to come up with valid conclusions. In your review, provide references to the resources using Harvard referencing system. You can find referencing information using the below link.

- You need to develop and present your report in a professional academic structure. You can find more about the details of an academic report through the following link.

Management Human resources (HR) is the division inside a business that is liable for everything laborer related. That incorporates enrolling, screening, choosing, recruiting, onboarding, preparing, advancing, paying, and terminating workers and self employed entities....

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