Researchers were interested in comparing the reaction times for people under three different distraction
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Researchers were interested in comparing the reaction times for people under three different distraction

Question 1: Multiple Choice

Consider the following hypothetical scenario:

Researchers were interested in comparing the reaction times for people under three different distraction conditions (no distractions, audio distractions, and visual distractions). They suggested that reaction times to no distractions would be faster to either audio distractions or visual distractions. They also expected this difference in reaction time to be more pronounced for males than for females. A random sample of 30 male and 30 female participants had their reaction times measured via a standardised test while under varying distraction conditions.

A. What type of statistical test should the researchers employ here to answer the research question?

(a) Independent samples t-test

(b) Mixed designs ANOVA

(c) Factorial ANOVA

(d) Within-subjects ANOVA

(e) None of the above

B. Which of the following is not an assumption that should be checked for this scenario?

(a) Metric dependent variable

(b) Normality

(c) Sphericity

(d) Sample size > 50

(e) Equality of variances

C. The output for the Levene’s test is provided below:

What can we say regarding the output provided?

(a) The assumption of normality has been violated

(b) The assumption of normality has not been violated

(c) The assumption of sphericity has been violated

(d) The assumption of sphericity has not been violated

(e) Both the assumptions of normality and sphericity has been violated

D. The following Within-Subjects Effects table was also generated to investigate this research question:

Taking into consideration the output from part C., which of the following is the correct interpretation of the interaction?

(a) The interaction is significant, F(2, 116) = 33.70, p < .001, partial n2 = .37

(b) The interaction is significant, F(1.88, 109.00) = 33.70, p < .001, partial n2 = .37

(c) The interaction is not significant, F(2, 116) = 33.70, p < .001, partial n2 = .37

(d) The interaction is not significant, F(1.88, 109.00) = 33.70, p < .001, partial n2 = .37

(e) The interaction is not significant, F(2, 116) = 174.54, p < .001, partial n2 = .75

E. Consider the following within-subjects contrasts for this scenario:

Which of the following contrasts have not been compared for the Distractor main effect based on the results of this table?

(a) No distractors and Audio distractors

(b) No distractors and Visual distractors

(c) Audio distractors and Visual distractors

(d) Audio distractors and No distractors

(e) Visual distractors and No distractors

F. Further analyses, separated by gender, were conducted with the output being provided below:

Based upon this table, which of the following statements is correct? Assume Mauchly’s test is not significant.

(a) For Males, there is a significant difference in reaction time across different distractors. F(1.92, 58) = 160.87, p < .001, partial n2 = .85

(b) For Males, there is a significant difference in reaction time across different distractors. F(2, 58) = 160.87, p < .001, partial n2 = .85

(c) For Females, there is a significant difference in reaction time across different distractors. F(1.96, 58) = 60.79, p < .001, partial n2 = .68

(d) For Females, there is no significant difference in reaction time across different distractors. F(2, 58) = 60.79, p < .001, partial n2 = .68

(e) For Females, there is a significant difference in reaction time across different distractors. F(1.84, 53.43) = 60.79, p < .001, partial n2 = .68

G. Consider the following within-subjects contrasts for this scenario:

Which of the following contrasts have not been compared based on the results of this table?

(a) For males: No distractors to Visual distractors

(b) For males: No distractors to Audio distractors

(c) For females: No distractors to Visual distractors

(d) For females: No distractors to Audio distractors

(e) For females: Visual distractors to Audio distractors

H. What can we say regarding the first contrast (level 2 vs level 1) for the female participants?

(a) There is a significant difference between males and females for visual distractors

(b) There is a significant difference between males and females for audio distractors

(c) There is a significant difference between no distractors and visual distractors for reaction time for the female group

(d) There is a significant difference between no distractors and audio distractors for reaction time for the female group

(e) There is a significant difference between visual distractors and audio distractors for reaction time for the female group

I. Which of the following conclusions would be most appropriate given the outcomes of these results?

(a) The hypotheses are fully supported

(b) The hypotheses are partially supported

(c) The hypotheses are not supported

(d) The hypotheses cannot be determined given the output provided

Management A factorial ANOVA equates means transversely two or more independent variables. Yet again, a one-way ANOVA has one independent variable that separates the sample into two or more sets, however, the factorial ANOVA has two or more independent variables that divide the sample into four or more sets....

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