Researchers would like to investigate the survival time
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Researchers would like to investigate the survival time

Question 4: Full Report

Consider the following hypothetical scenario and write a report (in your script book) which includes all the relevant information. When discussing the descriptive statistics, use a table.

Researchers would like to investigate the survival time (in years) for patients suffering from terminal cancer using three different treatment methods (Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, and Surgical procedure). The researchers hypothesised that patients in the Surgical procedure group would have a higher survival time compared to patients in the Radiotherapy group. They also suggested that this difference in survival time would be lower for patients with a family history of terminal cancer compared to patients without a family history of terminal cancer.

All the relevant SPSS output for this scenario has been provided for you:

Further analyses:

ManagementA hypothetical scenario is based on hypotheses which are assumptions that are made for argument's sake. These scenarios are made to initiate the thinking process and to give ideas. In this case, the hypothetical scenario is based on the survival time of patients who are suffering from cancer....

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