TASK 3 - Practical Exercise – computerised
Sunshine Florist Pty Ltd
Sunshine Florist is a small local florist catering for phone and walk in customers. They make over the counter sales and also do deliveries to the local area. The manager is Joan Bosswell who attends to the day to day management of the florist and also assists serving customers. There are 2 other employees; Hal Peters, the sales assistant, and Jenny Smit, the delivery driver attends to the local deliveries and assists with customer sales. Joan and Hal work full time and Jenny is a casual who assists in the busy periods.
Set up the file:
1. You are required to set up a computerised accounting file for the company. This is to be done using MYOB AccountRight Plus version 2018.3 which is supplied within the Learning Resources Unit 5. Do not use a different version of MYOB and make sure you set the file up as MYOB AccountRight Plus v2018.3 and not MYOB AccountRight v2018.3 or the payroll functions will not be available.
The following information is provided for the company:
• Company Name: Sunshine Florist Pty Ltd – Your Name
• Financial Year: 2018
• Last Month: June
• Conversion Month: July
• Industry Classification: Retail
Edit Bank Account details:
From the Accounts List edit the name of the main bank account to NOB Cheque Account and enter an Opening Balance of $25,000.00. Update banking details to include:
BSB: 663-755
Account number: 255685
Bank account name: Sunshine Florist
Company Trading Name: Sunshine Florist
Electronic Payment Type: Tick box for Create Bank Files
Bank Code: NOB
Direct Entry User ID: 5685
Direct Entry File: Tick box for Self-balancing transaction
Payroll Setup:
2. Load the tax tables and ensure the revision date is now 01/07/2018
3. Set up the current Payroll Year as 2019.
4. The transactions to process will be in the year ended 30 June 2019 and the standard working week for employees is 37.5 hours. The default Superannuation fund is My Super. No rounding is required as payments are being made electronically.
5. Payroll transactions should be recorded to the following accounts:
Account for Cash Payments Payroll Clearing Account
Account for Cheque Payments NOB Cheque Account
Account for Electronic Payments Electronic Clearing Account
Account for Employer Expenses Other Payroll Expenses
Account for Wages paid Wages & Salaries Expense
Account for Deductions & Expenses Other Payroll Liabilities
6. Set up the Payroll Categories:
a) Ensure your system is set up so employees can receive the following payments:
• Uniform Allowance – Full time rate and Casual rate
• Motor Vehicle Allowance
Note: Use separate wages expense accounts for each allowance type.
b) Annual leave and Personal leave entitlement should be set up to allow leave to be accrued on the basis of hours worked. Set both Annual and Personal leave accrued to show on payslips.
c) Add additional Annual leave and Personal leave entitlements set up to accrue leave on a weekly basis for employees who are paid a salary and therefore do not have hours of work on their pay records each week. Set both Annual and Personal leave accrued to show on payslips
d) Set up a deduction for Health Insurance.
7. Set up the Employees:
Enter the employee details for the following 3 employees.
Employee 1 (M1)
Joan Bosswell
1/78 Beach Street, Maroochydore QLD 4558
Employee 2 (A2)
Hal Peters
46 Hill Road, Doonan QLD 4562
Employee 3 (C1)
Jenny Smit
614 Trinity Ave, Cotton Tree QLD 4558
8. You also need to enter the details listed in the attached APPENDIX B - Schedule A Employee Details.
9. Print report:
Print the Employees Employment Details Report. Label this Printout 1 and submit it for marking.
Check your report to ensure that the details are correct and match the information supplied for the company and the employees.
10. Backup file.
Backup your file and with the file name “firstname.lastname_FNSTPB402WA1” (for example: jane.smith_FNSTPB402WA1). Submit a copy of this file with your completed assessment.
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