The entity includes the port definition and will define the input and output signals
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The entity includes the port definition and will define the input and output signals

Part 2. Four Bit Wide 2 x 1 Multiplexer The combinatorial logic circuit for the half adder is shown below.

Using the skills you acquired from lab_#06 develop the VHDL design for the circuit shown above The approach will be:

• Define the entity

• Define the port

• Define the architecture

The entity includes the port definition and will define the input and output signals. The architecture includes the details of how the elements are interconnected, and will include the signals connecting internal components.

For your design implement the following mapping

• Input_SEL => switch_#00 -> LED_#00

Using switch_#00

• Make Input_SEL => 0=>

• Make Input_SEL => 1=>

When you are done, program the board and complete the truth table above.

Is it what you would expect?

EngineeringVHDL : VHDL stands for the VHSIC Hardware Description Language. It is a hardware description language (HDL) which could model the behavior and structure of the digital systems at multiple levels of abstraction, which ranges from the system level down to that of the logic gates, for the design entry, documentation, and also verification purposes....

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