The mileages recorded for a sample of company vehicles during a given week gave the following data
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The mileages recorded for a sample of company vehicles during a given week gave the following data

Question 4-

The mileages recorded for a sample of company vehicles during a given week gave the following data:

(Data set CSE8.xlsx can be found on the book’s online platform.) Determine the mean, mode and a five figure summary of the data. What do these descriptive statistics tell you about the distribution of the data?

Data now becomes available on the remaining ten cars owned by the company and is shown below. How does this new data change the measures of location which you have calculated?

StatisticsMean is the total value of numbers in a data set. It is calculated by summing all the values provided and then dividing the sum by the number of values present. Mode is a set of number that appears frequently in a data set. To identify the mode, arrange the value provided in a descending or an ascending order....

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