What conditions are true of streams leaving an equilibrium stage
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What conditions are true of streams leaving an equilibrium stage

1. What conditions are true of streams leaving an equilibrium stage?  What changes for gas absorption, stripping, and liquid extraction?

2. What is the relationship between the number of stages and liquid flow rate in a staged gas absorber?

3. How many stages are required if a stripping column is to be operated at minimum the minimum gas rate?

4. Derive the operating line for the absorption of a gas in a staged cascade by performing an appropriate material balance from the first to the mth stage.

5. What is the advantage of writing the balance on a solute-free basis?

EngineeringIn the human body, your equilibrium is the body's sense of position and movement including your sense of balance. The chemical term for equilibrium is similar in nature. An example of equilibrium in everyday life is a book on a table at rest. In equilibrium reactions, both products and reactants are always present. Equilibrium reactions in the human body are essential for life and can b...

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