1. Which of the following is not one of Tufte’s Principles of Graphical Integrity?
A. Proportionality.
B. Clarity.
C. Standardization.
D. Similarity.
E. Context.
2. When a Legend (or key) is used on an excel graph or chart which two Gestalt principles are always used:
A. Similarity and Proximity.
B. Proximity and Closure.
C. Closure and Similarity.
D. Connection and Similarity.
E. Continuity and Proximity.
3. The three visualisations below use the same Gestalt principle to distinguish the two groups. Which principle is it?
A. Proximity.
B. Closure.
C. Similarity.
D. Connection.
E. Continuity.
4. Which statement(s) are part of Tufte’s definition of Clarity in his Principles of Graphical Integrity?
A. Labelling should be used to defeat graphical distortion.
B. Write out explanations of the data on the graphic itself.
C. Show variation that is in the data.
D. Both Statements: A and B.
E. Statements: A, B and C.
5. Which of the following is not one of the “SUCCESS” criteria from the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS):
A. Show.
B. Check.
C. Structure.
D. Simplify.
E. Condense.
6. Which statement about the following graph is FALSE:
A. It is the correct orientation according to IBCS.
B. It is an appropriate chart type according to IBCS.
C. It obeys the proportionality principle of Tufte’s Graphical Integrity.
D. It is good practice to order by gross revenue rather than alphabetically.
E. It obeys the appropriate dimensions principle of Tufte’s Graphical Integrity.
7. Which of the following are not required by International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) Conceptual rules:
A. Know your objectives.
B. Know the objectives of your audience.
C. Use mutually exclusive structures.
D. Use collectively exhaustive structures.
E. Avoid unnecessary and decorative elements.
8. Which statement about the following graph is FALSE:
A. It is the correct orientation according to IBCS.
B. It obeys the proportionality principle of Tufte’s Graphical Integrity.
C. It obeys the appropriate dimensions principle of Tufte’s Graphical Integrity.
D. It obeys the standardisation principle of Tufte’s Graphical Integrity.
E. Use of data labels provides more precise figures.
9. Which of the following visualisations obeys the Proportionality principle from
10. Which statement about the following graph is TRUE:
A. It is the correct orientation according to IBCS.
B. It is an appropriate chart type according to IBCS.
C. The use of two axis scales is good practice.
D. It is good practice to order by healthcare expenditure rather than alphabetically.
E. Life expectancy at birth in the UK is about 74.
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