Which product container has the largest interquartile range for sales
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Which product container has the largest interquartile range for sales

Problem 1

Use the .twbx file “Problem 1 and 2.” The file has a separate tab for each problem. You must have the correct answer visualized in Tableau. For all of Problem 1, you can use any visualization you want (unless specified below). You do not have to spend time performing extra formatting, using the Tableau defaults is sufficient. Also, the answer can be displayed with other data. For example, if the questions asks what are total sales for a year, your answer can display all years (or just the one year) and you can have the answer listed in the tooltip, as a label, or in another obvious way. The key is that the viz displays the answers to the question being asked. 

1. Which product container has the largest interquartile range for sales?

2. Create a trend line for profit as a linear function of sales for all transactions. What is the R2 value in 2010 and in 2013 (use ship date for the date)? Round your answer to three decimal places for each year, e.g., 0.123.

3. Which manager has the highest profit margin and what has his/her profit margin (rounded to 3 decimal places)? Profit margin is computed by taking all profits earned by a manager divided by all sales earned by a manager. 

4. Create two bar charts on one sheet to answer this question. In the top bar chart, show the total number of unique customers who made a purchase each year. The bars should all be one color for this chart. In the bottom bar chart, show a breakdown of the unique customers so that the bar shows the total number of customers each year, and then with different colors in each bar it shows the total number of unique customers based on the year each customer started purchasing from Superstore. As examples, the 2010 bar should show the total number of customers all in one color. The 2011 bar should have two colors, showing the number of customers who started purchasing in 2010 and the number who started purchasing in 2011. Use the order date for distinguishing when customers made their first purchase.

5. Make a table that shows a breakdown of customer segment and region on each row (list segment in the far-left column and then region in the next column). In separate columns (in this order), display the following: average sales per customer segment and region, average sales per customer segment, and average sales per region. List in the order stated.

6. Using a parameter that allows the user to select from 1 to 20 states, show which states have the highest median shipping cost in the year 2012 (use order date for date). Sort so that the highest median cost states are listed first and color the states by region to make it easy to see any patterns.



Accounts and Finance The interquartile range is an estimate of variability. It is based on dividing data sets into quartiles. In this case, rank-ordered data sets are divided into four equal parts. The values for each part are defined as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartiles. These quartiles are denoted by Q1,Q2,and Q3....

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