You can draw the scatterplot by hand, or you can us SPSS to create it
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You can draw the scatterplot by hand, or you can us SPSS to create it

Problem 1: For this problem we will use the data from Figure 15.1 in the textbook (Figure 15.1 Quality of Marriage and Quality of the Parent-Child Relationship):

a) draw a scatterplot. You can draw the scatterplot by hand, or you can us SPSS to create it,

b) draw (by hand) the regression line,

c) using the regression line that you drew, if the predictor is 77, what is the predicted value of the dependent variable?

d) What is the difference between the predicted value and the actual value of Y in the Table 15.1?

StatisticsScatter plot: It is a chart type which is normally used to observe and visually display the relationship between variables. In this, the variable's values are represented by the dots. The dots positioning on the vertical and horizontal axis informs the value of the respective data point. The scatter plots are also called as the scatter graphs, or the scatter charts. Also, a scatter diagr...

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