You have been asked to mark the road corner of the common boundary of Lots 9
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You have been asked to mark the road corner of the common boundary of Lots 9

Question 3

You have been asked to mark the road corner of the common boundary of Lots 9 & 10 on RP800123. An extract from that plan is shown below.

The field notes from the survey are attached. The task is to prepare a sketch at suitable scale for an identification survey. Perform the reinstatement calculations using all the new field data, paying careful attention to the reinstatement arguments and bearing adjustments to field data and plan data. The study book has two examples of a final sketch (p77 & p111). The plan must include all information the draftsman will need to create the final plan (excluding the surveyor’s certificate). As a result it is necessary to use the prescribed abbreviations and drafting standards. However there is no requirement to use the specific font styles. Neat hand drawn plans are quite acceptable. Examination of this plan will enable the examiner to quickly determine if the reinstatement and referencing are correct. Great weight will be placed on the information shown on this plan for assessment purposes.

In addition to the plan you are required to provide the radiation to the corner mark that you have been asked to replace. This radiation is to be on the field book azimuth. Note what independent checks would be applied to these corner marks after placement.

Engineering"The Calculation of Reinstatement Premiums is as follows:Reinstatement Premium equals to the (Subject Premium) multiplied by (Loading Factor) multiplied by (XL Loss Load / Layer) multiplied by the Date Factor."...

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