You have initiated and begun implementation of a change strategy to improve organisational
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You have initiated and begun implementation of a change strategy to improve organisational


You are the Operations General Manager at Max Lionel Realty (MLR). You have initiated and begun implementation of a change strategy to improve organisational culture and ensure ethical and legal compliance of agents. Key outcomes of the strategy will be:

• development of an ethics charter for the business based on WHS responsibilities and REIV Code of Conduct (completed in Assessment Task 2)

• revisions made to existing policies and procedures to incorporate use of charter by agents (completed in Assessment Task 2)

• training for managers and agents on use of charter, WHS responsibilities and legal/ethical responsibilities (partly completed in Assessment Task 2).

Managers have now been trained in WHS and ethics. It has been decided that managers will train their agents.

Managers will be accountable for planning and delivering training, assessing individual competence, periodically reviewing effectiveness of training, and considering ethical and WHS performance as part of periodic agent performance management, in accordance with company policy.

In addition to preferred suppliers, the following costs are associated with resources:

All other training resources will be at your discretion and obtained in accordance with the MLR procurement policy. 

You will need to 

• meet with managerial team to discuss training and develop training/information sessions for agents according to agent needs 

• assign roles for training

• demonstrate encouragement and support for team and create positive work environment 

• demonstrate innovative approaches 

• encourage innovative approaches to training. 

• prepare budget for team based on stated needs.

Assessment description

In this assessment task, you will set out personal and professional goals in a professional development (PD) plan. Then you will obtain third-party verification of participation in networking or professional development to achieve goals set out in your PD plan. Finally, you will submit a reflection on your personal development.


1. Reflect on your leadership skills in the context of the work you completed in Assessment Tasks 1-3. This will be a self-assessment exercise, so questions you should ask yourself include the following

a. What did I do well?

b. What areas need improvement?

c. Did I engage all stakeholders?

d. Did I display ethical conduct? If so, how/how not?

e. How was my leadership style appropriate for the tasks?

2. Once you have established areas for improvement, determine how this will occur by developing a professional development plan. Questions to ask yourself will include the following

a. What are my objectives?

b. What are the priorities for achieving these?

c. What activities do I need to undertake to achieve my objectives?

d. What resources do I need?

e. What are my timelines?

3. Identify three professional development activities in your PD plan (for example, training, networking or professional development) designed to achieve goals and overcome weaknesses set out in your PD plan. Ensure you are able to perform the activities within the allotted assessment time.

Note: Ensure you gather third-party verification of participation and performance in at least three activities, including at least two activities involving networking. Use reports from three different third parties.

Acceptable third parties include: your managers, superiors, trainers and assessors (for additional training undertaken), industry peers (for networking undertaken).

4. Complete a written reflection detailing:

a. answers to reflection questions in step 1 above

b. how you will continue to develop your skills and knowledge through professional development and networking.

5. Submit documentation as per specifications below.


You must:

• plan professional activities in PD plan and perform three activities.

• submit:

o professional development plan

o three third-party reports

o a written reflection

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:

• how you have demonstrated leadership, i.e., communicated and inspired the trust and confidence of others and ensured their cooperation and support

• how you established networks and developed skills to ensure support from key groups and individuals for concepts/ideas/products/services

• how you demonstrated knowledge of business ethics and their application.

Business A professional development plan is a list of steps that one intends to follow to achieve their career goals. It helps an individual to identify the skills they need to move forward in their career and identify the steps they should take in order to gain the skills....

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