Your SFAS Chart should be made up of the most important factors from
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Your SFAS Chart should be made up of the most important factors from

This is a case analysis about Tesla Company Inc that has two parts:

The EXCEL part that its form by the tables of( EFAS, IFAS,SFAS, SWOT analysis and TOWN Matrix)and the Writing part, which you will write about the Hierarchy of strategies of Tesla company, examples at the corporate, business and functional levels, relationship between levels and recommended strategies and explanation.


Your SFAS Chart should be made up of the most important factors from your IFAS and EFAS charts. Your TOWS Matrix should take the S, W, O and Threats from your IFAS and EFAS chart and the strategies should be developed specifically from those factors. Examples of these charts are found in the tables below ??????

Your hierarchy of strategies should focus on the strategies that are being implemented throughout the company You would need to show specific examples of your company's functional strategies (strategies at the departmental level). You then need to show strategies at the business level (competitive or cooperative). The third step is to show strategies at the corporate level (growth, stability and retrenchment, Portfolio analysis etc). Ultimately, you need to determine if there is a relationship between these levels of strategy.

General Guidelines for Case 2 Analysis


I. Current Situation

A. Past Performance

B. Strategic Posture

1. Mission

2. Objectives

3. Strategies

4. Policies

II. Corporate Governance

A. Board of Directors

B. Top Management

III. External Environment (including EFAS)

A. Natural Environment

1. Physical Resources

2. Wildlife

3. Climate

B. Societal Environment

1. Economic

2. Technological

3. Political/Legal

4. Sociocultural

C. Task Environment

1. Threat of New Entrants

2. Power of Buyers

3. Threat of Substitute Products

4. Power of Suppliers

5. Rivalry Among Competitors

6. Power of Other Stakeholders

IV. Internal Environment (including IFAS)

A. Corporate Structure

B. Corporate Culture

C. Corporate Resources

1. Marketing

2. Finance

3. R&D

4. Operations and Logistics

5. Human Resources

6. Information Systems

V. Strategic Factors (including SFAS)

A. SWOT Analysis

B. TOWS Matrix

C. Hierarchy of Strategies 

1. Examples at the Corporate, Business and Functional Levels

2. Evidence of the Relationship Between Levels

D. Recommended Strategies and Explanation

StatisticsSWOT analysis is the technique of strategic planning which is used to help an organization or the person to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which are related to the business competition or a kind of planning for the project. It helps in building on what one does well, for success, to address what one lacks, to minimize the risks, and also to take the greatest p...

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