Your Sustainability Improvement Report has been approved and you are now required
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Your Sustainability Improvement Report has been approved and you are now required

Assessment Task 3:Performance improvement implementation

Assessment Task 3 Instructions

Complete the following activities:

1. Undertake an inspection of the work area (your RTO facility).

Your Sustainability Improvement Report has been approved and you are now required to implement strategies identified in your action plan. This includes an inspection of the workplace to identify environmental sustainability and resource usage issues and to identify and report on possible solutions.

You are required to undertake an inspection of the areas of the Blue Healer resort that are your responsibility. For the purposes of this assessment, this will mean you carrying out an inspection of the RTO facility where you are being assessed.

Prior to undertaking the inspection, use the internet to determine which tools and techniques will help you to determine whether improvements can be made to current practices. Note that any improvements should relate to the efficiency targets you documented in your Sustainability Improvement Report.

Record at least 3 actual or potential environmental sustainability and resource usage issues that you found during activity one. 

Use the environmental sustainability and resource Usage Record Template to record your findings.

One of the tools you will use is an electricity consumption measurement device that will be provided by the RTO. Use the instructions provided and/or the internet to determine how to use the device provided. Then measure the energy consumption of at least three of the RTO’s workstations; energy consumption.

Note that you are not required to undertake an extensive audit of the RTO’s workstations’ energy consumption. You are required to demonstrate your ability to measure team members’ energy usage. Use the device provided by the RTO and the Current energy usage table in the Usage Record Template to demonstrate how to do this.

Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the inspection and will observe you conducting the inspection. 

2. Develop a sustainability presentation.

In order to present the company’s new Sustainability Policy and Procedures and your Sustainability Improvement Report to your team, you are required to develop a PowerPoint (or another presentation program) presentation.

Your presentation should include the following: 

A summary of the company’s Sustainability Policy and Procedures. This will include a description of how sustainability recommendations are to be made and how approvals for changes should be sought.

The changes you made to the Sustainability Policy and Procedures. Informing your team that the company’s costing strategies now include sustainability as a primary consideration, you are implementing these changes within your team and the company, so make sure they understand what it means for them.

A summary of your Sustainability Improvement Report, including the action plan

A summary of the inspection you performed in the previous activity, including the team’s current energy usage you measured.

As the team’s manager, you will be expected to integrate environmental and resource efficiencies into the other tasks that they carry out. Consider how this can be done and include a slide that explains your suggestions. 

You are also required to discuss ongoing monitoring and improvement activities that the team will be undertaking in the future. Include at least one slide on each of the following:

Team activities to measure current resource usage

Continuous improvement strategies to improve the team’s sustainability performance. You should point out that the training session itself is part of a continuous improvement strategy that will ensure that all members of the team understand how they can improve their sustainability performance.

Change management techniques that will support the team’s sustainability performance. You should point out that the training session itself is a change management strategy that will help improve the team’s sustainability performance.

Use the notes section of the presentation program to help you remember content when you are presenting. 

Save this file as Sustainability Presentation.

3. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for the place, date and time of your presentation. 

Attach your Sustainability Presentation to the email.

4. Deliver a sustainability training session for your team.

At the outset of the presentation, indicate that the team will be able to ask questions during and at the end of the presentation and may offer suggestions for additional strategies. 

Clearly deliver your presentation content using the slides you have developed.

When you have summarised the Sustainability Policy and Procedures and your Sustainability Improvement Report, discuss your findings from your inspection.

Ask the meeting attendees for their suggestions for improving their environmental and resource efficiency management. 

Encourage them to identify more energy efficient ways of doing their jobs, and evaluate these strategies in the group.

When you ask the meeting participants about their own resource usage practices, keep in mind that they are actually colleagues roleplaying members of your team, not Blue Healer employees. So, when you question them, make it clear that you are also asking for an honest reply to your questions as it applies to them in real life. As well as taking note of their responses, open up discussion about why they use resources in the way they do and whether they have considered changing this.

Your team members should understand their own role in achieving sustainability improvements.

Take notes on these discussions to assist you in the next activity.

As well as present the information, you are required, in the role of Administration Manager, to solve problems that arise during the meeting, so pay attention to the issues raised by the group and try to find solutions to each.

During and after the presentation, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

Speaking clearly and concisely 

Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding 

Asking questions to identify required information 

Responding to questions as required 

Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

You will be assessed on the quality of your presentation skills as well as the presentation itself.

5. Update your Sustainability Improvement Report and action plan

Following the meeting, revise your report and plan to reflect the feedback you received during the meeting.

Add the work team members’ energy usage that you measured during the meeting to the section in the Current usage section of your report. Analyse this information and determine at least three methods of changing their usage to reduce their environmental impact.

Save this as Updated Sustainability Improvement Report

When completed, submit your updated report to your assessor.

Management"Quality improvement reports are used by the medical industry to document how organizations have identified a problem or opportunity, measured and analyzed the problem and implemented an improvement solution. They are; >Reduction in medication-related adverse events.>Optimization of sepsis care.>Decreased number of urinary catheter infections.>Reduced hospital readmissio...

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