Compare KFC and Greenhouse restaurant using the 4Vs framework
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Compare KFC and Greenhouse restaurant using the 4Vs framework


French cuisine with an unexpected twist is how The Greenhouse describes itself. The restaurant has just been awarded its second Michelin star cementing its reputation among critics and foodies alike. Menus change seasonally and Executive Chef Arnaud Bignon constantly creates fresh and original flavour combinations, the likes of which include presa Iberico (pork) with Japanese aubergine, black garlic and grapefruit.

KFC, until 1991 known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is an American fast food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken. It is the world's second-largest restaurant chain (as measured by sales) with almost 20,000 locations globally in 123 countries and territories.

Question 24 
Compare KFC and Greenhouse restaurant using the 4Vs framework.
Which of Porter's Generic Strategies each restaurant follows and which are the most likely order winning competitive factors in each of them? Justify your answers.

Management"The 4 V’s framework outlines the differences in operation processes between businesses.The four V’s are;1. The Volume Dimension2. The Variety Dimension3. The Variation Dimension4. The Visibility DimensionPorter’s generic strategic options available to companies for gaining competitive advantage are;1. Cost Leadership2. Differentiation3. Focus"...

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