The average time between units of output emerging from the process
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The average time between units of output emerging from the process


For question 16, you must choose one of the following terms, for each description
a. Work content
b. Throughput time
c. Throughput efficiency
d. Cycle time
e. Work in progress
Question 16
Match the term with its description
1. The average time between units of output emerging from the process

2. Amount of customers/products in the process

3. The total amount of work required to produce a unit of output

4. The time for all the work to move through the process

5. The work content of whatever is being processed as a percentage of its throughput time

ManagementIn business, beginning to end time remains essential. Over an above the nature of a process (s), ultimate knowledge of the saem is indispensable. More processess comprehension amount to identification of waste areas. ...

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