Explain the difference between the research process involving human subjects
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Explain the difference between the research process involving human subjects

Question 6:[RStudio Users and Excel Users]

1. Please offer a research question for the study using human subject research. 

2. Explain the difference between the research process involving human subjects and the research process not involving human subjects. 

3. Discuss ethical implications surrounding human subject research studies.

4. Explain the governance of the human subject research studies over the data and the process. 

5. Provide examples of the consequences for not meeting IRB (Institutional Review Board) protocol requirements

Statistics"1. Research Question for a Human Subject Research Study:""What are the long-term psychological and physiological effects of exposure to chronic stress in healthcare professionals, and how can these effects be mitigated through stress management interventions?""2. Difference between Research Process Involving and Not Involving Human Subjects:The main difference between research processes...

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