What are the main significant differences between for-profit and non-for-profit
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What are the main significant differences between for-profit and non-for-profit

Question #2: [RStudio Users and Excel Users]

Use the final exam dataset and then answer the following questions:

1) Compare the following information between for-profit and non-for-profit hospitals.

2) What are the main significant differences between for-profit and non-for-profit hospitals? Which test is the best fit test? Why?

3) Use a box-plot and compare Hospital net benefit between for-profit and non-for-profit hospitals.

4) Show another scatter plot and compare hospital cost (x-axes) and revenue (y-axes) and discuss your findings?

5) Comparing hospital net-benefit which hospitals has better performance? To answer this question first compute the hospital net benefits with subtracting hospital costs and revenues and then use ttest to compare the significant differences between FP and NFP hospitals.

6) Overall, what are the main significant differences between for-profit and non-for-profit hospitals? 

Table 2. Descriptive statistics between FP & NFP

Statistics"To answer these questions using RStudio, you can follow the steps below. Assuming you have the final exam dataset loaded in RStudio as a data frame named final_exam_data, and that it contains columns such as ""Hospital_Type,"" ""Hospital_Net_Benefit,"" ""Hospital_Cost,"" and ""Hospital_Revenue,"" here's how you can perform the requested analyses:# Load necessary librarieslibrary(dplyr)l...

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