For the Watt II mechanism configuration given below, corresponding link parameters
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For the Watt II mechanism configuration given below, corresponding link parameters

4. For the Watt II mechanism configuration given below, corresponding link parameters are given for β = 0o. When the crank W1 is rotated 120o CCW, the following rotation angles for the couplers and followers are given below. These were obtained by solving two loop equations for left and right four bar mechanisms.

Sketch the Watt II mechanism for β =+120o using the output provided above using hinge positions, a1, a1*, b1, b1 * after crank rotation. Be sure to add link names of W1, V1, etc. in your sketch.

5. For the following Stephenson III mechanism velocity equations are given below:

Stephenson III Mechanism:

Derive the following acceleration equation for the Stephenson III mechanism from (1) noting that

6. Answer the following for synthesizing a four-bar linkage for the following three latch positions using arbitrary angles of β2 = −20ºβ3 = 50ºγ2 = 20ºγ3= −40º when the associated coupler link attached to the hatch has rotations of α2 = −30ºα3 = −50º. Modify the input for the m-file Synthesis4BarLatch_Lec12.m posted under lecture 12.

(1) Based on three precision points of p1, p2, and p3 given above, calculate the vectors

(2) Determine two ground hinge positions a0 and b0 for the 4 bar mechanism.

(3) Sketch link configuration for latching position 2 and 3, i.e. α2 and α2 for second configuration and β3 and α3 for the third configuration.

ManagementWatt-II mechanism : A watt-II mechanism is the six-bar mechanism, which consists of the two ternary links and four binary links. In this Watt-II mechanism, the fixed link is mainly a ternary link. Also, the other ternary link directly forms the revolute pair at one end of the fixed ternary link whereas, the other ends of the fixed ternary link are connected to the binary links....

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