Review the practice (Quiz) of Number System to be familiar with binary math
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Review the practice (Quiz) of Number System to be familiar with binary math


Complete the following tasks.

1. Review the practice (Quiz) of Number System to be familiar with binary math.

2. Use the command “ipconfig” in Windows Command Prompt to find IPv4 address of your currently used Ethernet adapter:

1. Convert your IPv4 address from decimal to binary.

2. Identify the class your IPv4 address belongs to.

3. What is a private IP address? Why do we need private IP addresses?

4. In this class identified in 2.2, what is the range of IPv4 address is reserved as the private IP address?

3. Subnetting

1. Find out the subnet mask associated with your IPv4 address.

2. Which part of your IPv4 address is the network ID, and which part is the host ID?

3. Discuss what is subnetting and what is used for.

4. [Option] perform these activities at home to see the different results.

4. Use tracert (or a similar command, e.g. traceroute in macOS or tracepath in Linux) to find the path from your computer to a web server, e.g. From the output:

1. Identify the server IP address.

2. Identify the IP address of the gateway in your network.

3. Draw a diagram to show the path.

4. What other information does tracert give you about the path?

5. IPv6

1. How IPv6 can address the limitations of IPv4

2. Discuss the enhancements in IPv6

3. How to achieve to make IPv4 and IPv6 coexist.

6. Identify each layer of the TCP/IP architecture (five layers) in the Ethernet Properties dialog box.

ComputerSubnetting: It is used to create a fast, efficient, and resilient computer network. So, the creation of a subnet allows one to limit the number of routers which network traffic has to pass through. Through subnetting, IP addresses could be kept geographically localized meaning that a subnet could be used for specific staffing structures to maintain the efficiency and order....

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