Use network protocol analyser (such as Wireshark) to capture a ping between
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Use network protocol analyser (such as Wireshark) to capture a ping between


Complete the following tasks.

1. Use network protocol analyser (such as Wireshark) to capture a ping between two computers. Select one captured frame.

Find the values of the Ethernet Destination field, Ethernet Source field and Ethernet Type field.

View the data portion of the frame. How many bytes of data is in the frame? What is the data (in hexadecimal) in an ICMP message? Hint: do you see any pattern in the hex values?

ComputerNetwork protocol analyzer: It is a tool which is used to monitor the data traffic and analyze the captured signals as they travel across communication channels. Also, it builds the network's graphic map, generate the alarms when the number of packets increases above the certain level or when it detects specific packet types in the network....

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