The snapshot of Party_BookingDB database structure is given below. Party_BookingDB is a database that keeps track of information about the Bookings, Staff, Menus and Customers registered in the system
Figure 1: Snapshot of Party_BookingDB database © Database Answers Ltd. 2016
a. First you need to implement the above database in MS Access. You only have to create 5 tables for Bookings, Menus, Menus_Booked, Menu_meals and Meals. You do not have to create other tables in the Figure1. And populate those tables with suitable data (at least 3 records per table).
You can use Datasheet view in MS Access or SQL statement (as given below) to enter suitable data records.
INSERT into TableName
VALUES (“..”,”..”,.....)
NB: You only have to create 5 tables.
And you need to upload your database on submission link along with the word document.
This is an individual assignment; it should be your own individual work (You should not copy Ms Access Database). If not, this is considered cheating and you will get zero marks for the whole assignment
Write SQL queries for the following questions.
Execute the queries on the “Party_BookingDB” database you created in MS Access. Include screen shots of the outputs and all SQL statements you used to answer following questions
b. Prepare a list of BookingID, StaffID, CustomerID and date_of_event of all Bookings. You are required to sort the list in descending order of CustomerID
c. Assume that you want to count how many bookings are there on the date “24th August 2018”. Write a query to find the number.
d. Display BookingID, StaffID, CustomerID, Customer_details, date_booked of all events scheduled for 24th August 2018.
(Hint: Join Bookings and Customers)
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