Figure 2 shows the ER diagram that captures important information
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Figure 2 shows the ER diagram that captures important information

Figure 2 shows the ER diagram that captures important information in the tracking of Suppliers and items in a retail store.  This retail store purchases items from a number of suppliers. It keeps track of the items purchased from each supplier, and it also keeps a record of suppliers' addresses. Items are identified by ITEM-TYPE and have a DESCRIPTION. There may be more than one such address for each supplier, and the price charged by each supplier for each item is stored. Suppliers are identified by SUPPLIER-ID.

Figure 2: Retail store ER Diagram
a.    Convert the ER diagram into a relational database schema.  Be certain to indicate primary keys (underline).
Eg         Supplier (SupID: NUMBER; SuppName: text,.....)
b.    Identify Associative / Bridge entity in the ER diagram of figure 2. Explain purpose of using Associative / Bridge entity.
c.    Do we need a separate entity for supplier address? Can we include it as an attribute in the Supplier entity? Explain your answer.


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