You are to design a circuit that adds the two BCD digits
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You are to design a circuit that adds the two BCD digits

Part III

You are to design a circuit that adds the two BCD digits. The inputs to your circuit are the numbers X and Y, plus a carry-in, cin. You should use the four-bit ripple-carry adder/subtractor (RCAS4) circuit in Figure 4 below to produce a four-bit sum and carry-out for the operation X + Y. This result is to be displayed on 7-segment displays as a two-digit sum S1S0. For a sum equal to zero you would display S1S0 = 00, for a sum of one S1S0 = 01, for nine S1S0 = 09, for ten S1S0 = 10, and so on. Note that the inputs X and Y are assumed to be decimal digits, which means that the largest sum that needs to be handled by this circuit is S1S0 = 9 + 9 + 1 = 19.

ComputerBCD: BCD is a Binary-coded decimal. It is a system of writing numerals which assigns the four-digit binary code to each digit 0 through 9 in a decimal (base 10) number. Also, this binary-coded decimal is the way to convert the decimal numbers in to their binary equivalents....

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