6. A logistic regression model is developed to explore the quality of wine on several different variables. The explanation of variables can be found here. The rating of wine is ranged from 0 to 10. In this model, we consider the wine as good quality if the rating is more than six. Otherwise, we regard it as poor quality. Consider the following as the screenshot of R-studio analysis.
6.1. Write the logistic regression equation. Interpret the model.
6.2. What is the quality of the wine with the following characteristics?
• fixed acidity=7
• volatile acidity=0.3
• citric acid=0.4
• residual sugar=11
• chlorides=0.05
• free sulfur dioxide=37
• total sulfur dioxide=188
• density=0.99
• PH=3.2
• sulphates=0.44
• alcohol=11
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