Present a figure to explore whether there is a relationship between salary
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Present a figure to explore whether there is a relationship between salary

3. The following questions should be answered by referring to the excel sheet "Q3" of the Excel file provided for this assignment.

3.1. Present a figure to explore whether there is a relationship between salary and productivity.

3.2. Present a figure to show the distribution of income.

3.3. Present a figure to illustrate the number of staff that are recruited during the time.

3.4. Present a figure to explore whether there is an outlier in the data set.

3.5. The variable "Trustworthiness" identifies how much the manager trusts in an employee. What kind of predictive model do you suggest developing to predict "Trustworthiness" as the output variable and other variables as the input variable.


Management3.1) A statistical measurement of how many people earn or receive different amounts of income, the distribution of income is just that. However, many economists and the general public frequently make the mistake of speaking of income as something that society is passively "distributing" to its recipients. Since it impacts social cohesiveness, establishes the degree of poverty for any giv...

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