We want to hold a conference on business analytics
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We want to hold a conference on business analytics

7. We want to hold a conference on business analytics. The plan is to invite three speakers to talk about the industry application of business analytics. Currently, we have 3 corporate members. At every conference, every corporate member receives 5 seats for free. If a corporate is not already a member, the attendance cost is $75 per person. We provide breakfast, lunch and parking for every attendee. The current estimation of conference cost is outlined below.

• Renting conference place: $150.

• Registration processing: $8.50 for every attendee.

• Paying speakers: 3 * 800= $2,400.

• Breakfast: $4 for every attendee.

• Lunch cost $7 for every attendee.

• Parking: $5 for every attendee.

7.1. At the moment, the number of non-member attendees is the essential factor determining conference profit. Develop a spreadsheet model and explore this issue.

7.2. How many non-member attendees should participate to make no profit and no loss (Profit=0).

Management7.1) Spreadsheet Model: This phrase also applies to models that aid in making decisions. Text, numbers, and logical information are laid down in rows and columns in a spreadsheet. The components of a model are present in the spreadsheet version and are connected by specific logical information. A spreadsheet looks like a grid, with a row for each letter and a column for each number. By l...

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