Every machinery can be used in one or several different projects
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Every machinery can be used in one or several different projects

See excel sheet Q8 of the Excel file provided for this assignment. The data set is related to a construction company machinery usage. Every machinery has a unique ID. Every machinery can be used in one or several different projects. There are missing values in this data set. Explain your approach (step by step) on how you will fill in the missing values. If you believe it is possible to fill in missing values, write them in the answer sheet.


Management"Missing values are a persistent issue that most active analysts encounter at some point. It is a part of the larger topic of data cleansing and data wrangling. There are several methods, differing in complexity:i. Ignore the issue at first and let your stats package take care of it. That will depend on the quantity of missing data, whether it pertains to important variables, and the app...

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