Ravi and Alice Patel have approached you to arrange finance to purchase
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Ravi and Alice Patel have approached you to arrange finance to purchase

Case study 3: Ravi & Alice Patel

Case study 3 for Ravi & Alice Patel is located in the subject room.

Task 23 ― Case study: Purchasing an investment property

Ravi and Alice Patel have approached you to arrange finance to purchase an investment property. The clients have already paid the 10% deposit, so you will need to act fast as they need to settle in 60 days.

Following the initial meeting, the clients have provided all of the essential documents to prepare a loan submission.

Task 23: Question 1

To commence the process, you need to enter the information collected into your aggregator’s CRM system. This will include:

(a) client information collection tool/fact finder

(b) assets and liabilities

(c) needs analysis

(d) credit representative notes

(e) anticipated fees and charges

(f) funds to complete.

Client information collection tool/fact finder

Accounts & FinanceFinancial analysis: It is the process of evaluating the projects, budgets, businesses, and also other finance-related transactions for the determination of their suitability and the performance. Also, financial analysis is basically used to analyze if an entity is solvent, liquid, stable, or profitable enough to warrant the investment that are monetary....

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