Task 6 — Professional development
Refer to the business profile for Capital City Finance and Mortgage Brokers (CCF & MB) located in the subject room.
For this task you are to assume you are a mortgage consultant with the CCF & MB team.
Your manager has gone on extended leave and you have been given the task to step up into their role for that period. You are responsible for the performance and development of yourself and your team. You also have a new team member starting in your organisation. It is now your responsibility to ensure that they are provided with the correct information and support to ensure they have the best opportunity to succeed in your organisation.
You will be required to explain a number of items to your team, as well as support and guide them to maintain their performance and professional development during this time.
Task 6: Question 1
(a) Explain why is it important for individual work goals to align to the organisation’s goals?
(b) Identify the types of organisational framework that you can refer to when planning your own and your team’s work goals to ensure that they align to the organisation’s goals.
(c) List the colleagues you would consult with if you required clarification of your own role responsibilities and how they fit into the wider organisation’s goals and objectives.
Task 6: Question 2
(a) Where would you document the new team member’s role responsibilities?
(b) How will you outline and document their role-specific targets?
(c) Explain how you will support the new team member to set goals to ensure they will achieve their targets.
(d) Describe how you can use technology to help you manage the team’s work priorities.
Task 6: Question 3
What guidance can you provide the new team member to keep up to date with industry and product knowledge? Provide a minimum of four (4) tips.
Task 6: Question 4
(a) Describe how you can encourage and facilitate personal and professional development for you and your team?
(b) How can you record and document you and your team’s personal and professional development goals?
(c) Explain the human resources policy and procedure at CCF & MB regarding the attendance of professional development seminars, webinars and offsite development workshops.
(Refer to the example business profile for CCF & MB)
Task 6: Question 5
(a) Describe how can you identify team health and wellbeing in the workplace.
(e.g. How would you know if your team is working well together and if individuals are okay).
(b) What strategies might you put into place to manage team health and wellbeing in your workplace?
Task 6: Question 6
Part of your role requires you to monitor and measure your own performance.
(a) Complete the annual targets in your scorecard. (You may need to conduct some research for realistic targets – there is an example Scorecard located in the Business Profile for CCF & MB)
(b) Complete the actual results up to Quarter 3. You notice you are behind in two Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Record the results in the Scorecard below.
Task 6: Question 7
Describe how you will monitor your own performance against your scorecard.
Task 6: Question 8
(a) You are required to create a professional development plan (PDP).
(Refer to the Toolbox for a sample PDP or you can develop your own.)
Your PDP must include the following, namely:
• the two (2) KPIs from your scorecard for which you are behind as at Q3.
• a goal for each of those KPIs to ensure you will achieve them by Q4.
• the steps/actions you will take to achieve the goals.
• two (2) professional development areas that you would like to improve
• two (2) formal training or continuous professional development activities that relate to the industry (refer to industry associations for ideas).
• the minimum amount of CPD points you would need to maintain if you were a Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) member holding ‘loan writer’ status (link available in the Toolbox).
(b) Once you have completed your personal development plan, who will you seek feedback from on the plan?
Task 6: Question 9
Now that you have developed your own PDP, prepare two (2) other PDPs, each containing a minimum of two (2) development areas, for the following staff members:
(a) a loans administrative officer
(b) a mortgage broker who has recently joined the team.
Task 6: Question 10
Managing your time is vital to being able to juggle all of your work tasks, professional development and personal life. Refer to the information provided in the topic notes as well conduct your own research regarding the ‘important/urgent’ matrix.
There are many short videos available — for example, the Eisenhower matrix: How to manage your tasks with Eisenhower, [online video], viewed 3 May 2021, <www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT89OZ7TNwc>.
(a) Make a list of a minimum of twelve (12) tasks and activities a mortgage broker (or mortgage consultant) would need to complete in their role. This should include anything that requires your time — for example, team meetings, emails, personal emails, making a coffee, processing your work, training etc.
Refer to the example business profile for Capital City Finance & Mortgage Brokers (CCF & MB) for a Mortgage Consultants Role description and list of role tasks.
When it comes to phone calls and emails, be specific about the types of phone calls or emails you handle. For example, personal/social emails versus urgent email requests from a client.
(b) Once you have listed your job tasks above (from part a), place each task in the appropriate quadrant.
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