Using the Information Requirements Report you have developed as guide, develop information
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Using the Information Requirements Report you have developed as guide, develop information


To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

To: You

From: Gavin Stead ([email protected])

Date/time: Monday10:22AM

Subject: Business Problems Report

Attachment: Analysis Report.docx

To You,

Thanks for undertaking the consultation meeting with the stakeholders and myself the other day. I now want you to undertake the ‘Collect information’, ‘Analyse Information’, and ‘Draw conclusions’ steps of the CBSA Decision-Making System Process.

Once you have finished gathering, verifying and analysing the information you require, please document this into a report using the attached template and send it through to me for review.

Kind Regards,

Gavin Stead

Managing Director

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Analysis Report.docx

Business Information Analysis Report

Analysis Objectives

The objectives of this analysis are:

<<list each objective in bullet format>>

Business Data Gathered

List the sources that were used to gather the information:

<<list each information source in bullet format>>

Reliability and Validity 

<<Explain how you tested the gathered information for reliability and validity>>

Analyse of Data

<<For each business issue, provide analysis of the data you have gathered utilising statistical analyses, cause and effect, and interpretation where appropriate>>

Conclusions Drawn

<<provide an overview of your analysis and the conclusions you have drawn>>


Based on the email and its attachment, complete the following tasks:

1. Develop information gathering tools

Using the Information Requirements Report you have developed as guide, develop information gathering methods/tools/processes that can be used to gather the required information as specified in your report. You must use at least one formal network, and one informal network.

The formal network relates to following formal business processes for gathering the data (either internal or external)

The informal network relates to gathering information informally from within the organisation, and/or from external sources,

You must provide evidence of the methods/tools/processes you wish to use to gather the data:

Formal gathering methods often include formal meetings, surveys, client feedback forms, formal research, etc

Informal gathering methods often include informal conversation, informal emails, informal research, etc

You must then use the tools you have created to gather the appropriate information. For example, if the business problem is that clients are using the competitors’ services over CBSA’s, you could develop a survey of questions to determine why this is a case, or you could research real-world competitors to see what services they are offering. 

Note: the assessor will organise for other students or themselves to provide data for your tools/processes if you are not able to gather these. For example, if you develop a survey, a formal meeting script with the Sales team, or informal conversation script for the Sales & Marketing Manager then the assessor can organise for students to provide answers to the questions/script questions.

2. Analyse gathered information

Based on the data that you have gathered (both gathered by yourself and that provided by the assessor/fellow students), complete the Business Information Analysis Report using the given template. Within the report you must:

Specify at least one objective for each business problem to ensure that a decision can be made. For example, if a business problem is in regard to water sustainability, then an objective might be to ‘Identify a solution to address water sustainability’ or similar.

Specify how the data was gathered. What tools/processes was used? Was it an informal or formal process?

Specify how you tested the gathered information for reliability and validity. How did you do this? Did you discard any data?

Document analysis of the gathered data for each of the objectives. Your analysis should include a combination of text and charts/tables to ensure readability. You need to identify patterns and trends using statistical analysis, cause and effect, and interpretation.

Undertake a logical approach to document your conclusions from the analysis you have undertaken.

Management After briefing the stakeholders and explaining the problems identified, the next step is the collection and analysis of information to draw meaningful conclusions. A report is given outlining the business data gathered, how it was gathered, the reliability of the method, and the conclusion from that analysis. ...

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